A member of Bin Hamoodah Group of companies // ISO 9001:2008 // TRACE (Anti –Bribery) // ICV Certified


Bin Hamoodah Group of Companies

JV & Acquisitions

In such a vibrant and competitive market as the UAE, there is a constant demand for more efficient, cost effective business solutions. With its headquarters in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Bin Hamoodah Trading and General Services (BHTGS) has anticipated what those solutions are and where they can be found. The organisation also understands that there are many companies which could be leading contributors, but need some form of extra investment.

To help meet some of those market demands, BHTGS is constantly seeking new avenues to expand and new sectors to explore. A highly professional and qualified team of financial analysts, accountants and legal experts help to identify and advise on investments into companies that have yet to fully exploit their potential. From total and partial acquisitions, to capital injection and management restructuring, BHTGS continues to grow both as a company and as a service provider.

The company’s globally recognised TRACE certification also ensures that all pre-approved due diligence and regulatory requirements are in place to make immediate investments.



BILFINGER DEUTSCHE BABCOCK EMIRATES LLC (Turbines / Generators / Plant Shutdowns etc.)

At Bilfinger, compliance is a key component of successful management and good corporate governance. With this in mind, we have revised our compliance system. It is now in line with increased global requirements and international standards.

New compliance rules are in place on a Group-wide basis since November 1, 2012. A Code of Conduct details the general principles of our behavior. Corresponding Group guidelines contain concrete instructions on the issues of integrity, competition and dealing with business partners.

The control systems we have implemented to ensure that compliance regulations are adhered to include routine and special audits by Internal Auditing. As part of our monitoring of business relationships, we pay particular attention to the use of third parties in connection with order acquisition.

We actively pursue information on compliance violations through our own investigations, by notifying the relevant authorities and cooperating with them to achieve a full resolution. Any misconduct that is discovered will result in personnel consequences for those involved and will lead to preventive organizational measures. The internal findings gained from reporting, the comparison with other systems and the evaluations from external specialists all lead to the ongoing development and improvement of our compliance system.

Company Website: www.babcock.bilfinger.com


GULF BUSINESS MACHINES LLC (IBM Information Technology Solutions)

Award-Winning Information Technology solutions from Gulf Business Machines – providers of services and support to IBM Distributors.

Gulf Business Machines LLC (GBM), IBM’s sole distributor in the Arabian Gulf, is an information technology company handling sales, support and distribution of IBM products and related services in the region. Combining an extensive network of business partners with unique access to the global experience of IBM, Gulf Business Machines now offers its clients the most diverse and complete range of services and solutions available anywhere.

Gulf Business Machines was set up to build and expand on IBM’s expertise of more than 50 years in the region. Each branch offers a full marketing, engineering, maintenance and professional services portfolios and is directly connected to the IBM worldwide network, thus extending the scope of skills and resources available to local customers.

Gulf Business Machines’ approach to client growth as an e-business lies in transforming core processes, designing and building new applications and running scalable environments to drive them, enabling an organization to become more responsive by leveraging information skills.

Think of the world’s most complex problems – scientists modeling the effects of the various forces exerted by and on galaxies; medical research unwrapping the basic building blocks of life – and you will find IBM systems there.

Gulf Business Machines combines the highly regarded Global Network of IBM with over a decade of local services and support experience, offering Gulf-wide solutions due to a thorough understanding of regional industrial and commercial requirements.

Gulf Business Machine’s solutions enhance customer’s businesses through the supply of relevant and result-definable systems and services, forging valuable and long term working relationships based on success.

Gulf Business Machines can make a difference for you.

Company Website: www.gbmme.com



Serck Services Company (LLC) is a joint venture between Bin Hamoodah Trading & General Services and Serck Services of the UK.

Serck Services is the largest radiator repair company in the world, having over 90 workshops in U.K., 8 workshops in the Middle East and 12 workshops in the United States of America. The company has now been operating in the Middle East for almost 20 years and during this period it has been developing new and improved techniques for radiators and oil cooler manufacture, specifically for extreme climate conditions. The company also manufactures and supply air conditioning coils for buildings and offices.

For vehicles the company provides retrofit and repair services for air conditioning, clutch, brake lining and relining to include brake brands for cranes, hoist and other industrial uses.

As for Industrial and Marine Service, Serck’s extensive technical knowledge ensures all types of marine and industrial heat exchangers can be designed or manufactured to drawings or patterns in our specialized facilities. A full range of specialist cleaning services offer a solution to any cleaning problems, including high power, washing, water drilling and chemical cleaning. A comprehensive restoration service is available, extending the life of exchangers and condensers.

Alongside, offshore or as a riding squad, Serck’s dedicated technicians can re-tube all kinds of head exchangers/condensers including removing and refitting tube plates in place.

While for radiator completes and cooling elements a comprehensive stock is maintained at all our locations, backed up by our manufacturing and distribution centers, both in the UK and the Middle East.

Serck Services is the first radiator company in the Middle East to obtain the ISO 9002 registration – Guaranteeing the Quality of Service and Product registration.

Company Website: www.serckgulf.com